COVID-19, Benin relaxation of entry requirements
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COVID-19, Benin relaxation of entry requirements

For several weeks, the situation of the pandemic in Benin has made it possible to observe a downward trend in cases of contamination, including serious cases.

In view of this favorable development, the government of Benin has reduced the preventive and restrictive measures in force in order, in particular, to relaunch economic, cultural and social activities.

COVID-19 measures applicable to travelers in Benin:

Since March 16, 2022, entry into Beninese territory, both at land, air and sea borders, is subject to the presentation of a negative PCR test dating back no more than 5 days or a negative antigenic RDT 72 hours at most.

To leave Benin, travelers must comply with the requirements of the destination countries.

Relaxation of COVID-19 measures on the territory of Benin

The Beninese authorities have decided in view of the drop in contamination to lift the following measures:

  • The closing of discotheques and similar;

  • The prohibition of festive gatherings in public places, including beaches;

  • The ban on gatherings of more than 50 people;

  • The obligation to respect the health safety distance between passengers on board public transport; however the wearing of the mask remains obligatory.

  • The suspension of cultural, festive, sporting and religious events and demonstrations;

  • The limitation to 50 of the number of people authorized to take part in burial ceremonies;

  • The suspension of the participation of any person from the public administration and the private sector who has not been vaccinated against COVID-19 in meetings (meetings, workshops, forums, seminars, etc.) on national territory;

  • Access to all public services subject to the presentation of a vaccination pass to persons eligible for vaccination;

  • Obtaining coverage forms under the condition of presentation of the vaccination pass.

Benin Voyage Afrique Online accompanies you on your trip to Benin

Our E-tourism service is at your disposal to answer all your questions relating to the organization of your trip to Benin.

We remind you that to obtain your visa, click on: https://evisa.gouv.bj/fr/

Our drivers are mobilized to respect hygiene rules and guarantee you a trip in compliance with barrier measures.

You can contact us by clicking: https://www.benin-voyage-afrique.online/

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