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The Pendjari National Park is the largest ecosystem in West Africa and the last great refuge for West African wildlife. You will discover there, elephants, buffaloes, lions, cheetahs, leopards and many other species such as hippos, many species of antelope, and many others, moreover you will be able to observe more than 400 bird species. The development, management and security of the Park have been ensured by the South African NGO African Parks since 2017 which guarantees you an exceptional environment in your safari in Benin.
Presentation of the Pendjari National Park

African Parks is an NGO specializing in the conservation, rehabilitation and long-term management of national parks in partnership with governments and local communities. The NGO currently manages 15 national parks and protected areas in 9 countries, Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Zambia, together represent approximately 10.5 million hectares.
In Pendjari, the mission of the NGO aims to protect the last great wilderness of West Africa and its emblematic species, to create the conditions to develop the potential for the park to become a destination. world of wildlife tourism with the aim of bringing economic prosperity to the inhabitants of the region.
To achieve this, African Parks led a global level action, conservation and development of wildlife (the installation of satellite collars on elephants and lions in Pendjari for example), the fight against poaching, the involvement of local populations , the development of surveillance and reception infrastructures for tourists .
Since 2017, the NGO African Parks has invested in modern technological means, in particular in a communication and technology network that covers the entire fleet with centralized information 24 hours a day in an operations coordination center
In addition, the NGO has set up a brigade of rangers of several hundred men to ensure the protection of the fauna and ecosystem of the park. These rangers are trained in the use of firearms, patrolling and tracking methods, navigation, and data collection, communication and first aid operations.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
When the park reopens on October 15, 2019, the objective is to strengthen the safety of tourists visiting the park by providing GPS means in conjunction with the coordination center, and by increasing radio capacities for guides who visit them. accompany.
In addition, surveillance will be reinforced at the border in collaboration with the Beninese soldiers with the aim of collecting as much information as possible on movements in Burkinabè territory to allow the new Director of the Forces of Order to place resources. security in the best places and at the right time. To support all these security actions in the Pendjari park, the NGO is investing in the purchase of a helicopter to support the resources deployed on land.
The means implemented to ensure your safety during your visit to the Pendjari park
Distribution of GPS trackers for visitors entering the park to know where they are at all times
Compulsory use of a guide accredited by the Pendjari National Park Management
Opening of new circuits further south in the Park, far from areas considered to be at risk
Training guides on detailed security protocols
Work with the Burkinabé and Beninese authorities on a common strategy for securing the Park
Installation of surveillance posts at strategic points close to tourist facilities
Increase in regular aerial surveillance flights at the border to improve our data collection
Development of rangers patrol plans
The safari in the Pendjari national park
The Pendjari Park located in the north-west of Benin, covers an area of 4,800 km² and extends 150 km by 70 km, It is the main park of the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) transnational group of 35,000 km², spread between three countries, Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger.
How to access Pendjari park
The Pendjari National Park is located 650 km from Cotonou, 420 km from Ouagadougou and approximately 490 km from Niamey. It has 3 entrances: Porga in the North-West, Batia in the South and Konkombri in the East, the main entrance being that of Batia.
Entry into the park can be done from 6 a.m. and no later than 6 p.m. for the entrance to Batia and 5 p.m. for the entrances to Porga and Konkombri (night driving is prohibited inside the park. ).
Safari periods in Benin in the Pendjari park
The park is closed from late August to mid-October.
Depending on the month of your visit, the park of Pendajari Park offers different aspects:
During the dry period:
From November to January in places, the grasses are tall and yellowed
From February to May, the grasses are burnt and the field of vision is wider, during this period the fauna gather around the water points which facilitates observation.
Finally from May to July, we observe a carpet of greenery which extends to all points of the park with also an appreciable field of vision.
The high water period lasts from the end of July to the end of October, there are tall green grasses whose flowering produces various natural scents.
During your stay in the park , the best times of day for animal watching are very early in the morning at sunrise or in the late afternoon i
What African fauna you will observe in Pendjari Park
First of all, La Pendjari is a privileged place for ornithologists with more than 460 species of birds. Bird watching is particularly good in January - February and June.
You observe the species of wild fauna of the West African savannah such as the elephant, the buffalo, the lion, and endangered species in West Africa such as the cheetah which is the emblem of the park as well as the damalisque one of the antelope species .
You will also observe the red monkeys, slender and slender, the patas with the long limbs, the close eyes surmounted by long eyebrows or the small vervet with the green bronze coat Lively and agile or the Baboon.
Watchtowers around the ponds will allow you to admire the aquatic life of crocodiles and hippos.
Périodes | Saison | Température | Observation |
1 - Novembre / décembre | SECHE | 25 /30 ° | Paysage vers et luxuriant, faune aviaire abondante |
2 - Janvier/ février | SECHE | 14/30° | Ciel clair, et forte luminosité, très bonne visibilité pour l’observation des animaux |
3 - Mars / Avril | SECHE | 35/42° | A cette période la faune se regroupe autour des points d’eau, meilleure période pour l’observation |
4 - Mai/ Aout | PLUIES | 30/38° | Un tapis de verdure dans le parc, les animaux sont plus dispersés, mais toujours visibles |
What African fauna you will observe in Pendjari Park
First of all, La Pendjari is a privileged place for ornithologists with more than 460 species of birds. Bird watching is particularly good in January - February and June.
You observe the species of wild fauna of the West African savannah such as the elephant, the buffalo, the lion, and endangered species in West Africa such as the cheetah which is the emblem of the park as well as the damalisque. one of the antelope species .
You will also observe, the red monkeys, slender and slender, the patas with long limbs, the close eyes surmounted by long eyebrows or the small vervet with a green bronze coat Lively and agile or the Baboon.
From watchtowers around the ponds, will allow you to admire the aquatic life of crocodiles, hippos.