Car Rental In Benin,
Excusions, tours in Benin
Business tourism in Cotonou.
Your tourist guide to visit Benin
We offer two solutions to choose from , to visit Benin, either you are accompanied throughout your trip by a guide as part of our integrated circuits, or as part of our free tours, you will be accompanied only during your excursions by a local guide.
Presentation of guides according to the organization of your trip to Benin
We present to you the different tourist guides who participate in organization and smooth running of your trip to Benin, we distinguish the guides who accompany you throughout your tour in Benin, and the local coordinators who organize visits to tourist sites in Benin.
Your tourist guide to accompany you during your tour in Benin
Your guide will accompany you throughout the duration of your tour, he will give you advice and supervise the smooth running of the excursions, ensure the quality of your accommodation and make the best suggestions to make the most of your trip.
Spécialités : Lac Nokoué, Ganvié, Sud Bénin
Your guide approved by the Pendjari National Park
These guides are licensed by the Pendjari National Park, they are trained and equipped to ensure your safety during your safari in the Pendjari Park, and are familiar with the park and the observation circuits determined by the park management.
Your guide to visit Lake Noukoué and Ganvié
Guides who know Lake NoKoué and its inhabitants perfectly well, during various excursions lasting several hours, they will make you discover the activities of the inhabitants , in particular fishing and the traditions of the lakeside villages and in particular Ganvié.
Local coordinators of Benin tourist sites
In each tourist region, we have a coordinator who organizes your stay and tours and sightseeing tours . These coordinators are your contacts during your stay in the region concerned.
Ouidah, Lac Ahémé
Francais, Anglais
Formation au métier de Guidage
Directeur de Centre de Documentation et du Tourisme de Ouidah (CDT) ouidah. Président National des Guides et Accompagnateurs de Touristes du Bénin. Enseignant de Métier de Guidage à Université national du Bénin. Gestionnaire adjoint du temple de pythons Ouidah.
Grand Popo, Lac Ahémé
Français, Anglais, Allemand, Italien
Maître ès-lettres en Anglais et titulaire d’un “Associate Degree” en Gestion et développement du Tourisme à l‘Institute of Commercial Management (ICM) au Royaume-Uni.
Chargé du Tourisme à la Mairie de Grand-Popo, anime et suit les activités touristiques, coordonne l’activité des guides