Quelques raisons suffisantes pour réaliser un voyage au Bénin
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Benin is a charming country which is located in the west of the African territory. It is surrounded by Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Niger and Togo. This region is famous for having been the cradle of voodoo. It is a religion whose number of practitioners around the world is estimated at around 50  millions. During their journey to this destination, tourists will have the chance to linger in Porto Novo. This city serves as the administrative capital of this state. It is rich in history. Moreover, there are some old buildings that bear witness to the town's colonial past. To brighten up their stop in this locality, vacationers will visit interesting sites. In particular, they will have the privilege of the Honmé museum. The latter contains a relic of a royal court which impresses with its details. Otherwise, the Place Jean Bayol garden is also worth a detour during a stopover in Porto Novo. It is known for the statue of the first ruler of the kingdom of Dahomey to be found there

Discover Abomey and its underground refuges

Certainly, the administrative capital of Benin, namely Porto Novo, is full of charms. There are various impressive places to see, including museums. However, a tailor-made trip to Need should not be limited to discovering this exceptional city. Indeed, this country has other lovely places to visit, including Abomey. This commune is placed at a distance of approximately 145  km from Cotonou, the economic capital of this region. It belongs to the department of Zou and serves as its capital. This city is best known for its prestigious past. Throughout its history, it was occupied by valiant dynasties and ruled by great kings. Also, this locality is full of fascinating corners that will delight tourists. There are, for example, the underground shelters of Agongouito-Zongoudo. It is a set of labyrinths which is established at around 10  m underground. It was once used as a shelter for the warriors of the sovereign Agadja.

Experience moments of adventure in Pendjari National Park

People who aspire to contact with nature during their tour in Benin can join the Pendjari National Park . The latter is located in the extreme northwest of this region. It is part of the department of Atacora. Its surface area exceeds 2  750  km². This site is a true sanctuary of biodiversity. There, a multitude of faunistic species live in complete freedom. Among the animals visible when passing through this protected area, there are buffaloes, lions, elephants, antelopes, etc. This conservation area is also a suitable place for bird watching. It is frequented by more than 400  avian species. Birds that fly over this reserve include umbrellas, fish eagles, gray herons and many more. The flora of this natural park also deserves the attention of ecotourists. It is composed by nearly 241  plant species. Desert date palms, African birches and baobabs grow there.

Some sufficient reasons to make a trip to Benin

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